Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Struggles of Publishing

                Today, I’d like to talk about, “The Struggles of Publishing.” I myself am currently unpublished and that’s something I’m going to overcome in time. Yes there are still some things that need to be buttoned up on my works but hopefully that’ll be soon dealt with and behind me. When I say soon, I really mean, give or take a year. You know how it is. Authors…
                I’ve been lately and always, stuck between wanting to get published the old fashion way or move forward to the way of the future the way of EBooks. There’s not really any need to throw out fifty to seventy to one hundred query letters anymore. I think it doesn’t matter, just as long as you know that your work is solid (or not in some cases), and you can put it out there for the world to view.
                A friend of mine pointed me in this direction more than once and I’m coming around to it again. To be honest, quite a few people have directed me that way and dare I say it again, “more than once.” But there are those, including myself, want to hold a book in my hands when I read. Not an electronic device, but that’s when it hit me.
                After doing some digging, I realized that if you are one of those types of people, who want the feeling of paper between your fingers, then you can have it., the one I’ve been looking into the most, does have a feature (for a higher price of course) that allows one to buy the novel but only in paperback.  So other than my friends, that feature is also luring me more and more towards EBooks.
                So The Struggles of Publishing, with EBooks, just make sure you have your work decent and throw it out there. Perhaps in another time I’ll look back at the old fashion way, Publishers and the people of that sort. But for now, I’m all EBook baby! Now about editing my own work and looking for an editor. That’s a blog for another day.

                Stay safe my friends.

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