Saturday, April 20, 2013


Juggling, if anyone knows anything about me should know that I juggle. No, not the balls, but endeavors. I have finished fully editing another chapter in the first book of the Within Series. Yes, that’s one step closer but each step forward, I’m pushed leaps and bounds backwards.

My schedule in life is filling up ever so more with each passing day. I’m promised on the horizon, I will have different position and it looks as if I’ll have some more times on my hands. But before that happens, a storm is approaching.

Work is going to have me doing installs of a new system starting here in the following weeks all over this state and in two others. I’ll be spending excessive amounts of time away from home, away from family, away from my writing. My goals for this year, in having Within ready to be released, is starting to dwindle into next year.

It disappoints me so but in the long run, it will all be worth it, or so I’m told. Here’s to the future. Here is to what tomorrow will bring. It’s not about getting there, it’s about the journey. I read that somewhere...

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